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Seller Policy


Seller Policy


IndiaTradeFair​​ is a marketplace where you can sell your handmade goods, vintage items and craft supplies or​​ anything else which is Made in India​​ directly to buyers across the world. We want to make sure that you and​​ your buyers have a positive experience on​​ IndiaTradeFair.​​ 

Please read on to find out more about your rights, as well as what is expected of you, as a seller.

1. Selling Basics


a. What can be sold on​​ IndiaTradeFair

b. What can’t be sold on​​ IndiaTradeFair

c. Managing your​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ shop

d. Seller Standards

e. Selling Fees


2. Being a Member of the​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ Community


a. Creating and Uploading Content

b. Privacy and Protecting Personal Information

c. Communication Standards

i.​​ Messages

ii. Forums/Teams

iii. Communicating Cancellations


3. Feedback, Disputes, and Your Success


a. Reviews

b.​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ Case System

c. Your Seller Account and​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ Terms

d. Seller Protection


  • Selling Basics

Keeping in​​ mind these basic requirements will set you up for success on​​ IndiaTradeFair.


a. What can be sold on​​ IndiaTradeFair


IndiaTradeFair​​ is a unique marketplace made only for Indian exporters and MSME’s. ​​ Global buyers come here to purchase items that they​​ might not find anywhere else. Everything listed for sale on​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ must be handmade, vintage, craft supply or​​ anything else which is Made in India.


Handmade items are items that are made and/or designed by you, the seller.


Craft Supplies are tools, ingredients, or materials whose primary purpose is for use in the creation of an item or special occasion. Craft supplies may be handmade, commercial, or vintage.​​ 


Party supplies may also be sold as craft supplies.​​ 


We encourage you to be transparent​​ about how your products/supplies were made and where your materials come from. You can disclose whether your items have social or environmental attributes, such as organic or recycled.​​ 


You can also select the location of manufacture.​​ 


b. What cannot be​​ sold on​​ IndiaTradeFair


Even if they otherwise meet our marketplace criteria, prohibited items​​ and items that violate our intellectual property policies are not allowed to be sold on​​ IndiaTradeFair.


Keep in mind that members may flag listings that​​ appear to violate our policies for​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ review.​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ may remove any listings that violate our policies.​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ may also suspend or terminate your account for any violations.​​ 


c. Managing your​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ Shop

Your shop represents you and your business to the​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ community. It’s important that you, your items and your shop are honestly and accurately represented.


By selling on​​ IndiaTradeFair, you agree that you will:


  • Provide honest, accurate information in your About Section in Your Shop.

  • Honour your Shop Policies.

  • Ensure your shop content, such as any text, photos or videos used to represent yourself, your shop or your listings, abide by​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ policies, including our Anti-Discrimination policy.

  • Accurately represent your items in listings and listing photos.

  • Respect the intellectual property of others. If you feel someone has violated your intellectual property rights, you can report it to​​ IndiaTradeFair.

  • Not create duplicate shops or take any other action (such as manipulating clicks, baskets or sales) for the purpose of shilling, manipulating search or circumventing​​ IndiaTradeFair’s​​ policies.

  • Not coordinate pricing with other sellers.


d. Seller Standards 


By listing a product for sale on​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ you understand and agree that you are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations for the products you list for sale, including any required labels and warnings.​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, labelling, or content of your listings.


e. Meeting Service Level Standards


As a seller, you must provide great customer service and maintain trust with your buyers. These requirements are called our Seller Service Level Standards.​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ may reach out to you if your shop fails to meet​​ IndiaTradeFair‘s​​ Seller Service Level Standards.​​ 


By selling on​​ IndiaTradeFair, you agree to:

  • Honour your dispatch and processing times. Sellers are obligated to dispatch an item or otherwise complete a transaction with a buyer in a prompt manner, unless there is an exceptional circumstance.

  • Respond to Messages in a timely manner.

  • Honour the commitments you make in your shop policies.

  • Resolve disagreements or disputes directly with the buyer. In the unlikely event​​ that you can’t reach a resolution, our Dispute Resolution team can help through our case system.​​ 

  • If you are unable to complete an order, you must notify the buyer and cancel the order.​​ 


f. Selling Fees


Sellers may be charged for using some of​​ IndiaTradeFair’s​​ services. There are fees associated with selling, advertising, and certain other​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ products and features. You can find information on fees in the Fees and Payments Policy.


2. Being a Member of the IndiaTradeFair Community

At​​ IndiaTradeFair, everyone is expected to treat fellow members of the​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ community with respect. As a seller, you have additional responsibilities to safeguard personal information and communicate promptly with buyers in order to provide a great​​ customer experience.


a. Creating and Uploading Content


As a member of​​ IndiaTradeFair, you have the opportunity to create and upload a variety of content, like listings, Messages, text, photos, and videos.


In order to keep our community safe and​​ respectful, you agree that you will not upload content that is:


  • Abusive, threatening, defamatory, harassing, or otherwise in violation of our Anti-Discrimination Policy;

  • Obscene or vulgar;

  • In violation of someone else’s privacy or intellectual property rights; or

  • False, deceptive, or misleading.


b. Privacy and Protecting Personal Information


You are responsible for protecting members’ personal information you receive or process, and you must comply with all relevant legal requirements. This includes applicable data protection and privacy laws that govern the ways in which you can use​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ user information. These laws may require that you post and comply with your own privacy policy, which must be accessible to​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ users with whom you​​ interact. Your privacy policy must be compatible with this policy and​​ IndiaTradeFair’s​​ Terms of Use.


In particular, when you sell using our Services (subject to this Policy), you may receive and determine what to do with certain personal information, such​​ as when communicating with users and entering into transactions with buyers. This means you process personal information (for example, buyer name, email address, and delivery address) and, to the extent you do so, under EU law, you are an independent controller of data relating to other users that you may have obtained through the Services. As a data controller (that is someone who decides what personal data is collected and the purpose you’ll use the data for) to the extent that you process user personal​​ information outside of the Services, you may be required under applicable data protection and privacy laws to honour requests received from such users for data access, portability, correction, deletion, and objections to processing. Also, if you disclose personal information without the buyer’s proper consent, you are responsible for that unauthorised disclosure. This includes, for example, disclosures you make or unintentional data breaches. For example, you may receive a buyer’s email address or other information as a result of entering into a transaction with that buyer. This information may only be used for​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ -related communications or for​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ -facilitated transactions.​​ 


You may not use this information for unsolicited commercial​​ messages or unauthorised transactions. Without the buyer’s consent, and subject to other applicable​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ policies and laws, you may not add any​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ member to your email or physical mailing list, use that buyer’s identity for marketing, or obtain or retain any payment information. Please bear in mind that you’re responsible for knowing the standard of consent required in any given instance. If​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ and you are found to be joint data controllers of personal information, and if​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ is sued, fined, or otherwise incurs expenses because of something that you did in your capacity as a joint data controller of buyer personal information, you agree to indemnify​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ for the expenses it occurs in​​ connection with your processing of buyer personal information.


For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.


c. Communication Standards


i. Messages


With​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ messages, you have the ability to communicate directly with your buyers or other​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ members. Messages are a great way for buyers to ask you questions about an item or an order.


Messages may not be used for the following activities:


  • Sending unsolicited advertising or promotions, requests for donations or spam;

  • Harassing or abusing another member or violating our Anti-Discrimination Policy;

  • Contacting someone after they have explicitly asked you not to; or

  • Interfering with a​​ transaction or the business of another member.

  • Interference occurs when a member intentionally interferes with another member’s shop in order to drive away their business. Interference is strictly prohibited on​​ IndiaTradeFair.​​ 


Examples of interference include:


  • Contacting another member via​​ IndiaTradeFair. ​​ Messages to warn them away from a particular member, shop, or item;

  • Posting in public areas to demonstrate or discuss a dispute with another member;

  • Purchasing from a seller for the sole purpose of leaving a negative review;

  • Maliciously clicking on a competitor’s Promoted Listings ads in order to drain that member’s advertising budget, also known as ‘click fraud’.

  • Creating or using an independent buyer account to maliciously up-vote another shop’s negative reviews in order to position those reviews more prominently.

  • Harassment; any use of​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ Messages to harass other members is strictly prohibited. Similarly, Messages may not be used to support or glorify hatred. If you receive a Message that​​ violates this policy, please let us know right away.


ii. Forums and Teams


High level overview that Forums and Teams are public spaces provided by​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ where sellers can connect, but there are communication standards that must be followed.​​ 


iii. Communicating Cancellations


If you are unable to complete a transaction, you must notify the buyer via​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ portal or contact team of​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ at the earliest to cancel the transaction. If the buyer already submitted payment, you must issue a full refund. You are encouraged to keep proof of any refunds in the event a dispute arises. All cancellations are subject to our Cancellation Policy.


European Union Right of Withdrawal Buyers in the European Union (EU) may be entitled to a​​ 14-day​​ “right of withdrawal”​​ after receiving an item, during which they may return an item for any reason. The details of this right vary by EU member state. The right of withdrawal may not apply to certain items like custom items or perishable goods. Rights with respect to digital items vary by EU member state.​​ Read more about the EU Right of Withdrawal in this Help article.


Please be aware that in addition to this policy, each country has its own laws surrounding delivery, cancellations, returns and exchanges. Please​​ familiarise yourself with the laws of your own country and those of your buyers’ countries.


3. Feedback, Disputes and Your Success

  • Reviews


Reviews are a great way for you to build a reputation on​​ IndiaTradeFair. Buyers can leave a review, including a one to five star rating and a photograph of their purchase, within 100 days after their item’s estimated delivery date. If an estimated delivery date is not available, the review window opens after the order’s processing time and delivery time have elapsed. Buyers can edit their review, including the photograph, any number of times during that 30 days period.


On the rare occasion you receive an unfavourable review, you can reach out to the buyer or, if the review is less than 3 stars, leave a response.


Reviews and your response to reviews may not:


  • Contain private information;

  • Contain obscene, racist, or harassing language or imagery;

  • Contain prohibited medical drug claims;

  • Contain advertising or spam;

  • Be about things outside the seller’s control, such as a delivery​​ carrier,​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ or a third party;

  • Contain threats or extortion;

  • Include shilling or otherwise falsely inflate a shop’s review score; or

  • Undermine the integrity of the Reviews system.


b.​​ IndiaTradeFair’s Case System


The Case system is how order disputes are resolved at​​ IndiaTradeFair. It is important that you fill out your shop policies and regularly respond to Messages from your buyers. However, sometimes a case may be necessary, and​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ will work with you and the buyer to resolve it as​​ quickly as possible.

Buyers may file a case for a non-delivery or a not-as-described item (for more information on how we define these terms,​​ click here)


You must respond to any open cases within three days or the time frame noted by​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ in the case.​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ may request your assistance in resolving a case opened​​ against your shop.​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ reserves the right to escalate a case early for circumstances such as seller inactivity, harassment, refusal of service, case manipulation, and undermining the integrity of the case system.


By using​​ IndiaTradeFair’s​​ case​​ system, you understand that​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ may use your personal information for the purpose of resolving disputes with other members. If​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ determines that an item is not as described, you will be required to refund the order, including original postage and return postage.


c. Your Seller Account and​​ IndiaTradeFair’s Terms


In order to keep​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ safe and improve our Services, we may take actions that limit the visibility of your shop, listings or ads, or that impact your payment account. In the event a shop sees unusual order activity, or we otherwise believe that your actions or shop may result in buyer disputes, chargebacks, increased risk of fraud, counterfeiting, or other claims,​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ may take actions such as limiting visibility of your account, or placing restrictions or reserves on your payments account, in accordance with our Terms of Service, including this Policy and our​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ Payments Policy. When appropriate and permitted by law,​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ will communicate information to the affected seller about the issue.


In the event a shop sees an unusual spike in orders, particularly in a high demand category, a shop may see an increase or decrease in its search ranking. Often, if a shop sees an increase in fulfilled orders and good reviews, this may result in higher visibility and search rank. However, sometimes a rapid increase in orders can reduce visibility.​​ 


In addition, we may limit the visibility of listings or ads in the interest of keeping​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ safe, and improving our Services. For example, listings or ads may have decreased visibility because they include terms​​ that represent a prohibited item or based on third party policies. These listings or ads may also be restricted from appearing in one or​​ more features of the​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ Services. While these listings or ads may have limited visibility, they are still discoverable in search.


If​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ has reason to believe you, Your Content, or your use of the Services violate our Terms, including this Seller Policy, we may deactivate Your Content or suspend or terminate your account (and any accounts​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ determines is related to your account) and your access to the Services. Generally,​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ will notify you that Your Content​​ or account has been suspended or terminated, unless you’ve repeatedly violated our Terms or we have legal or regulatory reasons preventing us from notifying you.


d. Seller Protection


IndiaTradeFair​​ also provides limited protection to sellers who​​ meet the requirements of our Seller Protection Programme.​​ Please contact team of​​ ​​ IndiaTradeFair​​ to know more​​ or click​​ here.​​ 

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